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Affiliated Broker Support

Cynosure is an Integrated Broker Consultant service that gives you access to service offerings from multiple providers in ONE PLACE and at NO EXTRA cost.

We provide you with multiple inputs in the form of a single business entity instead of having to deal with various competing consultants. Separate consultants represent each product house, ensuring you received skilled and proficient representation of the range of products in question.

Now more than ever, clients are looking for brokers with the ability to provide them with comprehensive advice about all aspects of their financial planning. You want to be sure that nothing is left out or left to chance. So we asked ourselves the question.

Why compete when you can collaborate?

So Simple, But So Smart

We obtain relevant quotes from multiple companies, all through one Business Development Manager. Consider it para-planning with a Broker Consultant. The quotes are generated according to your client’s requirements, allowing them to compare apples with apples. Furthermore, we can generate a record of advice hierarchy specific to your proposed solution.

Become affiliated to us today.

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